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Friday, 9 November 2012

A Blah Day

Yesterday was a good day... an upper kind of day. Today... it's a blah day. I feel blah and down. Never fails... I have one good day and then I have a few bad ones that follow. I'm still not used to my new medication, which at times makes me so sluggish. Today I just didn't want to get out of bed. Plus with it being gloomy outside, it really didn't help. Knowing of all the things that I should try and get finished the next few days, it almost makes me anxious and depressed. I know the next week or so it will be Diwali and I will be so busy with my husband's family events. I love them, but with the anxiety... these big events really do a number on me. I know I will have a major crash at the end of it all, which already makes my anxiety to start getting worse.

Oh well... Christmas is coming, and I'm trying to put my mind fully on that. The holidays for me... usually happy times. I usually have Christmas eve dinner at my place and my family comes over. This year I'm doing Indian food. Okay... gotta go, hubby is home.

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