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Sunday 21 October 2012 No hassle, just temporary dye!

I've been dying my hair for so many years now, I can't tell you how many different products I've tried. My hair has been black, plum, all colors of red, blonde, and even blue. In my teenage years I used to drive my mom crazy with my hair color changing weekly! Not to mention, I used to always get dye somewhere staining the wall, counter, or grandma's favorite towels. If only they had when I was growing up, life would have been much easier.

Hair chalks are the latest fad, that are perfect for all ages. They're super easy to use, and they wash out leaving no permanent color. What else is awesome about this brand of hair chalks? They're such good quality that they even show up on dark colored hair.

I have dark brown hair, and I found no problem with them showing up. The trick is to use them on damp hair, or if your hair is dry just wet the actual chalk. Super easy... even a child could do it!

Interested in getting your own Haircolorchalks? Of course you are! They range from $13.95 all the way up to $255 for a professional sized kit. Interested in being updated on the latest news regarding beauty? Click here to visit their Facebook page! Interested in reading their blog and learning some beauty tips and tricks? Click here to visit their blog!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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