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Monday, 6 August 2012

A little something to try and keep my spirit up while I'm sick. I saw this on Facebook and got a kick out of it.


  1. At home a person can only do one load at a time, but at a laundromat customers can do 10 loads of wash at a time if he wants. While a person waits for his clothes to finish, he can sit quietly and read a book. Some laundromats have a few arcade games for the kids. Thanks a lot.

  2. If the purpose of your meeting is to boost employee morale, you can schedule a meeting before everyone starts their workday or even at a place that stimulates the senses such as an open lawn. If your purpose is to address negative issues, think of scheduling your meeting at a time when everyone is likely to be in a better mood, such as after lunch, so everyone can be more receptive to your comments. Thanks for sharing.
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