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Sunday, 13 May 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Though it technically comes only once a year, it should really be that every day is Mother’s Day. Because moms are moms every day of the year. Their awesomeness never stops. Be sure to show your mom some love on Sunday (and every day after that). Seriously, it’s the cool thing to do. Even kittehs are doing it!
Because, after all, moms never stop working to fix our problems…

1 comment :

  1. Parenthood
    We start off early watching television and then envisioning our American dream. As a child, we play with our babies, doll houses, and writing in our diaries. We start at the tender age of 4 or 5 looking for our prince charming to marry. Over time, we replace our crushes of princes and other Disney characters with real boys. Sometimes it is the boy that sits next to you in class or a movie star. Either way, it is getting you ready for that all important task called LOVE.........



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