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Thursday 8 March 2012

Can't sleep

I can't believe I'm still awake at this hour.  My fiance and I watched a movie online, and then after I started feeling sick. I don't know if it was the rainbow trout that I made for dinner... I haven't tried it since I've had gastric bypass surgery, but I don't think I will try it again... seems to have caused dumping syndrome. I also feel like I could have a panic attack... just not feeling right. It's probably been all the extra stress that I've had to deal with the past week, with having to basically clear my apartment for the pest control company to come spray. Damn bed bugs are in the building, and it's been a real headache and nightmare to prep for the fumigation. It makes me paranoid, and I've been doing so much cleaning and laundry. Everything has been boxed in plastic containers, it looks like I'm moving!

With the craziness in my apartment right now, I haven't been able to weigh myself. Yes, I cleaned and packed my scale away. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise, as I have a bad habit of stepping on it daily.

Well, I think I should try and catch a little Zzz's, as I have three more garbage bags of laundry to do in the morning. Good night all.

1 comment :

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