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Join me for Thinspiration Sunday's and create your own weight loss post to help inspire you to keep on track. It can be photos, poetry, recipes, or a diet tip. Make sure to have fun, and good luck!
Today's weigh in: 190Lbs
Since the holiday season just passed, I wasn't as careful as usual when it comes to what I ate. Yes, I splurged a bit and had some sweets, and somewhat fattening food. I'm surprised I'm still under 200Lbs though with the sinful eating, but super happy that I didn't go overboard. I guess the key was moderation. I did get sick a few times over the holiday season, as higher fat foods send me through dumping syndrome. It's hard to eat at people's homes, without possibly getting sick. It's also hard to ask if anything is high in fat, and/or fattening.
As of tomorrow I will be starting a strict healthy regimen, I don't count new years day, as it's still a continuation of sinning from the night before! Yes, I had a slice of pizza and low fat chips... but it was well worth the vomiting it up. Tip for anyone who is a pizza fan and had gastric bypass... only pizza that you will be able to stomach is homemade, yeast free, low fat cheese, thin crust pizza.
Now for some thinspirational photos to ring in the new year... good luck to all who are looking to get healthy in 2012... it's never too late!
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