Saturday night my cutie and I attempted Yorkdale mall, as Shoppers Drug Mart was having a big redeem your points event. Lets just say I drove my fiance nuts in the store, as there were too many people and I took forever to make up about $250 worth of stocking stuffers and gifts! In the end I got everything I was planning on getting, and most of it is wrapped and ready to go. The only thing I forgot... need more scotch tape, as I ran out and have bags of stuff to finish wrapping!
Yesterday my fiance moved in my apartment... it's about time! His brother and mom came to help out a bit. I'm still in the process of unpacking his clothing... I didn't want him to do it because I like things my way! I rearranged furniture in my bedroom, as Saturday night people were moving out and left some awesome furniture behind. I grabbed a dresser that matches my furniture set... can't believe someone would get rid of it, as it's solid wood. It has a few marks on it, but nothing that some cherry wood finish can't fix. Plus eventually if I really need to, can always sand it down and refinish it. I love the beginning of every month... there's always some treasures downstairs that people leave behind!
Now for a health update... I've been cooking a bit since he moved in yesterday. I have to try and make an effort to actually eat. I have a bad habit of going hours and not eating, which makes me sick and blood sugar level drop. Maybe now that he will be living here, I will actually eat on a regular basis. Before when I lived on my own, it was like why cook when it's only me. Hopefully over the next little while I will get my health under control, so I can get back to work for the new year.

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