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Wednesday, 16 November 2011


It's that time again, time to announce some winners. The winners for: Purslip Undergarment for your Purse, Little Athletes, Big Leaders - book, Affordable Scarves $20 Gift Cert., and 25 Personalized Shutterfly Cards are...

Purslip Undergarment for your Purse
Pick what style and color you would like!

Little Athletes, Big Leaders - book

Affordable Scarves $20 Gift Cert.
Your email will be submitted to the company to have your gift certificate sent to you!

25 Personalized Shutterfly Cards
Your gift certificate code will be emailed shortly!

You have 48hrs to respond to the email that I will be sending out shortly. Please respond with your address that you would like your prize mailed. If there's no response within 48hrs, then a new winner will get chosen by

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