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Saturday 15 October 2011

Where Has Oprah Taken Us?

I believe that almost everyone has heard of Oprah Winfrey. Over the past twenty-five years, her daytime talk show has been wildly successful, while at the same time a roller coaster ride at best. In the beginning it was one of negativity, trash, filth, and the very worst of societal topics, thus earning her the name, as Stephen Mansfield writes, “Slime Queen of daytime television.” At the end of its run her show had become positive. Her daytime talk show had become a launcher of careers, an influencer of people, and an encouragement for good around the world. What happened? Oprah started dealing in religion.

In “Where Has Oprah Taken Us? The Religious Influence of the World’s Most Famous Woman”, author Stephen Mansfield takes an honest and in-depth look at the events, people, tragedies, and successes that have made Oprah Winfrey the cultural icon that she is today. Although she has influenced many in many areas, Mansfield chooses to write about her religious influence upon Americans and those around the world. Mansfield begins by looking at Oprah’s early years growing up in the Baptist church. He shows what was the basis for her conservative evangelical faith and then what forces began to challenge that faith. As Oprah become more successful in her broadcasting and television career, she began to open herself up to and eventually embrace eastern religions. Mansfield explores her shift from a biblical faith rooted in the worship of God to an eastern type, meditation-driven spirituality rooted in the worship of self. Mansfield writes, “It is not going too far to say that spiritually she is the composite of all that her gurus have taught her and that to know her one must first know them.” He then lists who those influential gurus are. They include Marianne Williamson, Eckhart Tolle, Gary Zukav, Depak Chopra, Rev. Ed Bacon, and Iyanla Vanzant.

“Where Has Oprah Taken Us?” is well written, thoroughly researched, and intentionally balanced, allowing Oprah’s words to speak for her. I found this book very informative and intriguing. I believe that with great influence comes greater responsibility. Excellent book!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program, via Booksneeze.

I review for BookSneeze®

1 comment :

  1. hi kimberly!
    sounds like an interesting book!

    just passing by to say hi!

    hope your weekend is going super!

    betty xx


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