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Monday, 3 October 2011

Close Enough to Hear God Breathe: The Great Story of Divine Intimacy

Close Enough to Hear God Breathe: The Great Story of Divine Intimacy
Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson (Oct 4 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1400203007
ISBN-13: 978-1400203000

Does the idea of intimacy with God seem farfetched and irrelevant to your real, daily life? Ever wonder if your own little story has any significance in the larger scheme of things, or why Gods Word doesnt seem to speak to you?

In Close Enough to Hear God Breathe, readers encounter a rich message that recounts the story of a God who has been inviting all of humanity, and each individual, into his tender embrace since time began. Beautiful prose, powerful stories, and inventive teaching walk readers though this, the Bibles foremost narrative thread.

Both subtle and radical, full of common stories told in extraordinary fashion, this book weaves the experiences of the individual into the great tapestry of the biblical saga. The reader learns to hear the voice of God speaking in the ordinary events and relationships of life, as well as in the broad, deep current of Scripture.

Reading the Bible ought to be like putting ones head on Gods chest. Close Enough to Hear God Breathe will help readers do just that. And when they do, theyll hear him whisper, Youre my child, my love, my pleasure.

I received an item for review, for my honest opinion. I was not compensated for this post. All opinions are my own, and others may vary.

I review for BookSneeze®

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