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Monday, 29 August 2011

Eden Fantasys: Halloween Edition!

Sex toys - EdenFantasys adult toys store
Since it's back to school season, that means Halloween is just around the corner. What better time then now, to start looking for the perfect Halloween costume? Are you looking for something a little sexy? Maybe something REALLY sexy! Well, Eden Fantasys carries all kinds of costumes, there's something for everyone.

Eden Fantasys offer costumes mostly for the female body, but have a variety of sizes. They even carry plus sizes for a wide range of sexy costumes, as well as every day lingerie. Looking for a sexy school girl outfit? Or maybe a french maid uniform? Those are just some of the regular every day type of sexy costumes they carry.

Some of the sexy costumes I already own are...

Both costumes are equally as pretty as the other, and super sexy. Unfortunately the sailor costume is now too big for me, as I've lost 100Lbs. The french maid costume is perfect though, as it's an apron and is adjustable to almost any size.

Eden Fantasys updated their costume department recently, I guess since Halloween is on its way. There's so many items that I want, that I've added to my wishlist. Since I'm still losing weight, I have to select items that are adjustable, or one size fits most, or even a size smaller from what I would normally wear. Here's some of my new items that I will be adding to my wishlist...

I think I might purchase the catsuit and wear that this year. I'm not sure if I can pull it off or not, but I want it regardless. If I can't wear it and look marvelous this season, then I will save it for next year after my tummy tuck! I guess I could always go as a sexy school girl, that would camaflage my tummy at the moment, and they actually offer it in plus sizes.

So there you have it, my Halloween edition of Eden Fantasys. Of course they offer much more, but these are my personal favorites. Get yours today, as Halloween will be here before you know it!

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