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Friday 29 July 2011

So Long Insecurity Group Experience, By Beth Moore

Building upon the message of Beth Moore's So Long, Insecurity book, the new So Long, Insecurity Group Experience is for women of all ages and races who want to work through their insecurity struggles with image, society, and relationships in a small group Bible study or Book Club setting. Designed to bring women together in a support community, women can take a deeper look into what it means to be truly secure.

Join noted Bible teacher and author Beth Moore on her quest for real, lasting, soul deep security. Through this in depth, interactive study, you will learn to recognize and rely on the true Source of hope. Beth challenges us to shed our old insecurities and put on the clothing of strength and dignity that can only be found through God.

Relevant for any woman trying to survive in the fast paced, image obsessed culture with a little dignity, this ten week study features carefully guided group sessions with questions designed to draw you closer to one another and to God.

I'm currently still reading this book, and it came at a perfect time in my life. This book reminds me of group therapy that I used to go with, but with a religious flair. I highly recommend this book, as it really gets you to open your eyes and helps you love yourself again.

I received a complimentary copy of the book for review purposes from Tyndale House.

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