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Sunday 5 June 2011


I am happy to say that I haven't wasted any money on ordering food lately. I've been cooking at home and trying to stick to a budget of only $25/week for groceries. Wish me luck with that one! I don't want to spend more then $100 a month on food, so hopefully I'll be able to do it.

You may ask yourself, why am I being so strict with money? Well, I bought a condo! Yippee... I'm so excited, but it won't be ready until 2015. So until then, it's time to be frugal. Coupon clipping and sales here I come! It should also help my weight loss since I can't afford to buy any crap! Fresh veggies and beans will be my new best friend... time to go full vegetarian since I don't want to spend too much money on meat.

I'm happy to say that I'm getting closer to my next weight loss goal. Today I'm at 222Lbs, and I'm getting excited as I get closer to the 200Lbs mark! I notice a huge difference... I can cross my legs for the first time in years. I will have to have plastic surgery later to remove the hanging skin, but I'm actually looking forward to it! Bring it on I say!

Bump up my post on Mom Blog Network


  1. Congratulations on your weight loss journey, and on your condo! Wow, only $25 a week? That's awesome, good luck!

  2. Congratulations on the purchase of your condo. That is definitely a motivator to not spend money on ordering food.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and leaving a comment. I hope you have a great week!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have actually been following you for a few weeks; I just didn't tell you. I enjoy reading your posts.
    Congrats on the condo. I live in a condo and I like it. Double congrats on your weight loss journey. And good luck on the grocery challenge. I have been using coupons a lot for the past few months and I get such a rush when I save.
    I hope to get to know you more in the following weeks and months as we follow each other.

  4. Congrats on the weight loss and the condo!

    I cannot imagine only spending $25 a week on food, I feed a family of four but $25 is impressive.

  5. Following you back! Love your blog too! I'm from Mommy Who Loves Giveaways!! Thanks For Stopping By!


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