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Monday 11 April 2011

Costume Squad T-Shirt Review!

I recently got a chance to review an item for Crazy Dog T-shirts, and I was very happy with the company. Since then, Crazy Dog T-shirts has branched out, and introduced a fun online costume site, Costume Squad. You can find lots of fun t-shirts on Costume Squad if you're not that big on dressing up in a costume. Costume Squad has an awesome variety of costumes for men, women and even your pet! Some of my favourites are:

The item that I requested to review was a Community College T-shirt. Spoofed from Animal House College t-shirt. This funny community college shirt is screened on a super soft navy tee. The quality of the shirt is excellent, as I've washed it a few times and it hasn't faded, shrunk, or the design comprimised. Thank you Costume Squad for another great product!

I was offered a t-shirt for review. I did not receive any compensation or incentive nor was I required to write a positive review. Individual results or experiences may vary.

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1 comment :

  1. LMAO My younger daughter wore the Rainbow Brite costume for Halloween last year...only not slutty like that one, and with silver Converse instead of stilettos. Best costume EVAH! =)


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