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Monday 7 March 2011


It's time to announce some winners from all of the giveaways that ended. Every winner has up to 1 week to reply to my email, as I will be in the hospital having surgery. Once I am back home and feeling up to it, I will submit your information to the companies and reply to your response.

And the winners are...

For the two winners of Sealing the Deal...

Now for the two winners of Mr Funny Pants...

Now for the winner of Soft Cups...

Now for a pair of Pure Pearls 14k Gold Earrings in either white, pink, lavender or black...

Now for the two winners of the 21 Day Weight Loss Kickstart...

All winners have a week to respond to my email. If I don't receive a response within this time, a new winner will be selected at

Bump up my post on Mom Blog Network

1 comment :

  1. Thanks for picking me. I can't wait to start reading and hopefully losing weight.

    And congrats to all the other winners!

    My email is sent with my information.


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