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Sunday, 13 February 2011

Mr Funny Pants: By Michael Showalter Giveaway!

Mr Funny Pants: By Michael Showalter

"I was at my wit's end. I'd had enough of this job, this life, and my relationship had broken up. Should I eat chocolate, or go to India, or fall in love? Then I had a revelation: Why not do all three, in that order? And so it was that I embarked on a journey that was segmented into three parts and was then made into a major motion picture. Later, I woke up on an airplane with a hole in my face and a really bad hangover. I was ushered brusquely off the plane by my parents who took me to a rehab where I tested positive for coke, classic coke, special k (the drug), Special K (the cereal), mushrooms, pepperoni, and Restless Leg Syndrome. It was there that I first began painting with my feet.

But rewind...the year was 1914. I was just a young German soldier serving in the trenches while simultaneously trying to destroy an evil ring with some help from an elf, a troll, and a giant sorcerer, all while cooking every recipe out of a Julia Child cookbook. What I'm trying to say is that there was a secret code hidden in a painting and I was looking for it with this girl who had a tattoo of a dragon! Let me clarify, it was the 1930s and a bunch of us were migrating out of Oklahoma, and I was this teenage wizard/CIA operative, okay? And, um then I floated off into the meta-verse as a ball of invisible energy that had no outer edge...

Ugh, okay. None of this is true. I'm just kind of a normal guy from New Jersey who moved to New York, got into comedy, wrote this book about trying to write this book, and then moved to Alaska, became the mayor of a small town, spent $30,000 on underwear, and now I'm going to rule the world!!!"

My Thoughts: The book is hilarious. I love the fact that Michael spends five chapters talking about his process for starting to write the book including reviews for the finished project. The book is a quick read and moves rapidly, showing the genius process of a comedians mind. I can only imagine that Michael just wrote down his every random thought from the moment he started writing THIS book.  There are so many random moments that cracked me. I would just be reading along la, la, la...chuckle..haha...funny..than I would literally LOL.

To enter my giveaway:

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5. Tweet the following tweet, once per day for 1 extra entry (1 comment) per tweet:

"Win a copy of Mr Funny Pants, by Michael Showalter! @kimmie_1980 (02/27) #giveaway"

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***Giveaway ends  February 27th @ 11:59 ET!!!!

*** Make sure you leave the right amount of comments so you get the proper amount of entries.

Please read the following before entering:
* This giveaway is available to US/CA readers.
* You must leave your email address in each comment OR it should be on your profile in order to win.
* Winner will be selected at random through


I received a product, in exchange for my honest opinion, and a review of my experience. I did not receive any other compensation or incentive nor was I required to write a positive review. Individual results or experiences may vary.

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