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Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Medical Update

I feel lost when I don't write anything on my blog. It's been two days, and since then I've seen the surgeon. I am scheduled for surgery March 8th, and I'm excited... as well as a little nervous. I just keep telling myself that it's perfect timing for this coming summer. I should be able to lose enough weight for the hot weather, that I wont feel so uncomfortable in my skin. I just pray that everything goes okay.

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  1. Hello! Newbie here from the blog hop and on your followers page!

    I too have PCOS... so I am interested in catching up with your blog.

    Yay...March 8th-- a brand new you! :)

  2. great for you! hope everything works out - looking foorward to following along for your journey!

    new follower from a hop! come visit me at

  3. Good luck with the surgery :)

    I'm following you through your blog, twitter and networked blogs.

    ~ Stacey ~

    Mom's Daily Insight PR
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  4. I'm excited I found your blog! I have PCOS as well but am new to learning all about it.
    I'm going to feature you on my blog ( through the Double Duty Diva campaign !


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