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Monday, 17 January 2011

Getting to Know Me Monday

Happy Monday! I'm a little late in posting this, but better late then never. It's time for you to get to know me a little more...

PhotobucketIt's time to play:
My Monday question of the week... Are you ready for spring? What's the one thing you are most excited about, when it comes to spring?
I'm sort of ready for spring. I'm done with the cold weather and snow, and can't wait for the nicer weather to arrive. What I can wait for is the spring cleaning!!!

I will be going for gastric bypass surgery right before spring, so to me it's the beginning of a new life. I am looking forward to it... ready for a new healthier me.

1. Do you like your ice cream in a dish, waffle cone, pretzel cone, sugar cone or cake cone?

2. Do you read the newspaper daily?
3. Marinara or meat sauce?
4. Last time you cried?
5. What word/phrase do you find really annoying?

1. I usually like my ice cream in a dish... I'm not one for ice cream cones. I like vanilla ice cream and milk.
2. No. I usually have the news on the TV or computer.
3. Marinara sauce... I don't eat meat.
4. Christmas Eve when my boyfriend proposed.
5. I find many things annoying... there's too many to list!
Well there you have it... another Monday's of questions. I'll see you all next week! If you want to participate, just click on the buttons above for the codes and linky's.

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  1. OK, I know you don't need any more followere, but I can't help myself, because you are all pink over here and, well, so am I! This is Pinkim! From TEXTTrulySimplyPink
    Congratulations on your engagement!
    Stay pink!

  2. So jealous of your upcoming surgery. I would love to have it done. I have a couple of friends who've had great results.

  3. Good luck with your upcoming surgery! Have a great evening!

    Adelaide@ Norwegian Phoenix

  4. Love your answer for number 5.

    Good luck with your surgery.

  5. Good luck with your surgery! All my best.


  6. Thanks for joining Mailbox Monday- I'm a confirmed email subscriber and GFC follower!

    good luck w surgery

  7. Not ready for spring ... I like the snow ... and I have a ton of fabulous coats and boots that I miss come March ;-)


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