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Monday, 31 January 2011

10 Little-known Facts About E-cigarettes

The electronic cigarette was introduced to the U.S. market in 2007 and offers the nicotine-addicted an alternative to smoking tobacco. Most "e-cigs" are similar enough in appearance to be mistaken for regular cigarettes, but one look inside and you'll see the main difference: E-cigarettes don't contain tobacco. Instead, there's a mechanism that heats up liquid nicotine, which turns into a vapor that smokers inhale and exhale. Manufacturers and satisfied customers say that this nicotine vapor offers many advantages over traditional cigarette smoke. But regulatory agencies and some health experts aren't sure. They're asking questions about the possible side effects of inhaling nicotine vapor, as well as other health risks e-cigarettes may pose -- both to users and to the public. Those calling for tight regulations on e-cigarettes claim that these devices should be deemed illegal until the proper research trials have been conducted to prove that they're safe.

Because they contain no tobacco, e-cigarettes aren't subject to U.S. tobacco laws, which means they can be purchased without proof of age, especially online. This raises concerns that e-cigs may be particularly appealing to kids and may encourage nicotine addiction among young people. And while manufacturers of the e-cigarette claim that it's the cigarette you can "smoke" anywhere, regulatory agencies around the world are taking a close look at these gadgets and instituting a range of restrictions on their use.

Proponents of the e-cigarette say they feel better using the device than they did when they were smoking tobacco cigarettes, and that because the e-cigarette is reusable, it saves them money. Some praise the e-cig for helping them quit smoking. But is the e-cigarette as safe as its users -- including celebrities like Katherine Heigl -- believe? Is it a healthier option, or a riskier choice? And what does the FDA have to do with it? Before you consider taking up the e-cigarette habit, read on to get the facts.

10: No Smoking
E-cigarettes don't smoke like tobacco cigarettes because nothing actually burns. Electronic cigarettes are designed to look just like regular cigarettes, but there's one major difference: You don't need a match or lighter to use them. Instead, they hold a battery, a vaporization chamber and a cartridge filled with liquid nicotine. Puff on the device as you would a regular cigarette, and the device heats the liquid and changes it to a nicotine-filled vapor. Inhale to deliver the nicotine to your lungs, and then exhale the vapor. It looks like you're smoking a regular cigarette, but there's no smell, because nothing is burning

9: Safety Concerns

Many regulatory agencies and health experts aren't sure the e-cigarette is safe. While there are hundreds of companies in the United States alone that are making and selling e-cigarettes, manufacturers often don't make specific health or safety claims about their products. They do, however, tout the benefits of e-cigarettes as an alternative to tobacco. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and some health experts are concerned that the side effects of inhaling pure nicotine have yet to be adequately studied, and are therefore unknown. The FDA is also concerned about quality control, asserting that some manufacturers may not adequately disclose all the chemical ingredients in their e-cigarettes, and that the amount of nicotine listed on a cartridge label may not match the actual amount in the cartridge.

8: Nicotine LevelsThe amount of nicotine in an e-cigarette depends on its liquid-nicotine cartridge. An electronic cigarette can contain as much nicotine as a regular cigarette -- or more. The amount of nicotine an electronic cigarette delivers depends on the content of the liquid-nicotine cartridge installed in it. Customers can choose cartridges containing nicotine in a range of strengths. Some are comparable to the amount of nicotine in a regular tobacco cigarette; others are closer to that of a light or ultralight cigarette. There are also cartridges that contain liquid without nicotine, for users who want the sensory experience of smoking without its effect.

7: Makers and Sellers

Electronic cigarettes are being sold internationally, and can be easily purchased online. They were originally invented in China by a company called Ruyan, but are now produced by several companies in the United States, Europe and around the world. Because the FDA has seized shipments of electronic cigarettes and their components on the grounds that they are illegal drug-delivery devices, some companies, including the Tennessee-based Pure Enterprises, have begun making e-cigarette products in the United States instead of importing them [source: Kesmodel and Yadron]. Many e-cig manufacturers sell the products online, along with the required cartridges, batteries and other accessories.

6: Not Kid-friendly

Electronic cigarette manufacturers are careful not to directly market their product to young people. However, nicotine cartridges for the e-cigarette come in a wide range of flavors likely to appeal to kids -- think chocolate, caramel, strawberry and even bubble gum. And because e-cigarettes are sold online, it's easier for kids to purchase them than it is for them to buy regular tobacco cigarettes. For example, U.S. law requires consumers to provide proof that they are at least 18 years of age to buy tobacco cigarettes, but this law does not apply to e-cig sellers. And young people may be attracted to e-cigarettes as a result of the attention celebrities are bringing to them: Johnny Depp uses one in the film "The Tourist" and "Grey's Anatomy" star Katherine Heigl shared one with David Letterman during a guest appearance on his show, even explaining to the audience how it works [source: and Hunter].

5: They're Expensive

Electronic cigarettes come in a range of prices, depending on the manufacturer, model and style. A typical starter kit, which contains the e-cigarette device, a battery and several cartridges, can cost anywhere from $60 to $150. A pack of five cartridges (equal to about a pack of cigarettes, depending on how much a person smokes) goes for about $10. Consumers also can purchase the liquid in bulk and refill the cartridges themselves, which reduces the cost.

4: Maintenance Required

Electronic cigarettes are battery-powered and reusable, but users must charge the battery regularly. Some users have complained about the need to replace batteries too frequently, though this may depend on the quality of the device and battery purchased. The liquid in the cartridges also needs to be resupplied regularly, either by inserting a new cartridge or refilling an empty one. Nicotine liquid is sold in bulk for consumers who prefer this greener (and cheaper) option.

3: Not FDA Regulated, Yet

The FDA is in the process of having e-cigarettes labeled as a drug-delivery device so they can be regulated [source: FDA]. Manufacturers, however, say the e-cigarette is simply recreational, and should not be subject to FDA regulation. Two e-cigarette companies, Smoking Everywhere and NJOY, sued the FDA in the district court of the District of Columbia for impounding their products, and won. The judge ruled that "there is no basis for the FDA to treat electronic cigarettes … as a drug-device combination when all they purport to do is offer consumers the same recreational effects as a regular cigarette" [source: U.S. District Court].

2: Public Places

Manufacturers often suggest e-cigarettes present no health risks because they don't emit secondhand smoke. Regulation of electronic cigarette use is still evolving, as the product is relatively new. Manufacturers often market e-cigarettes as cigarettes you can smoke anywhere, saying that they present no health risks because they don't emit secondhand smoke. However, health experts say there is no basis for a safety claim, as e-cigarettes have not been adequately tested. Regulations vary, but some countries, including Australia, Canada, Israel and Mexico, have banned electronic cigarettes [source: NPR]. Others consider electronic cigarettes legal, but are in the process of legislating where and how people can use them.
1: Secondhand Vapor

While e-cigarettes don't produce secondhand smoke, they do produce secondhand vapor. And even though manufacturers say that it's merely water vapor and therefore harmless, regulatory agencies and health experts contend that e-cigarette makers haven't conducted the research needed to prove this. Some individuals, particularly those with health conditions that make them sensitive, have reported that the vapor is irritating to their eyes, noses and throats, and that it affects their breathing and makes them nauseous. Opponents of e-cigarettes say people shouldn't be subjected to secondhand vapor until manufacturers have proven it to be safe for everyone, including children, the elderly and people with certain medical conditions.

Article originally published from Discovery Health, by Susan Cassidy.

•Demick, Barbara. "A High-Tech Approach to Getting a Nicotine Fix." Los Angeles Times. April 25, 2009 (Sept. 3, 2010)
• "Johnny Depp Vapes an Electronic Cigarette on 'The Tourist.'" Dec. 15, 2010. (Jan. 5, 2011)
•Elliott, Debbie. "The New Frontier in War on Smoking." NPR. Aug. 5, 2009 (Jan. 5, 2011)
•FDA. "FDA Acts Against 5 Electronic Cigarette Distributors," Sept. 9, 2010 (December 3, 2010)
•Felberbaum, Michael. "E-smokes gaining steam amid calls for a ban." Associated Press. Sept. 1, 2010. (Sept. 3, 2010)
•Hunter, Aina. "Katherine Heigl Smoke Sticks: Are They Bad For You?" Sept. 29, 2010. (Jan. 4, 2011)
•Hurt, Richard D. "Electronic Cigarettes: A Safe Way to Light Up?" Mayo Clinic. Dec. 1, 2009. (Sept. 3, 2010)
•Kesmodel, David, and Yadron, Danny. "E-Cigarettes Spark New Smoking War." Wall Street Journal. Aug. 25, 2010. (Sept. 3, 2010)
•McLean, Mike. "A New Potential Market Lights Up." Journal of Business. Feb. 11, 2010. (Sept. 3, 2010);col1
•Smoking Everywhere Inc. and Sottera Inc. d/b/a NJOY v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Jan. 14, 2010.
•Sorrel, Amy Lynn. "Judge: E-cigarettes not subject to FDA oversight as drug delivery device." American Medical Association. Feb. 15, 2010. (Sept. 3, 2010)
•WHO. "Makers of electronic cigarettes should halt unproved therapy claims." Sept. 19, 2009. (Sept. 3, 2010)
•Zezima, Kate. "Analysis Finds Toxic Substances in Electronic Cigarettes."
•New York Times. July 22, 2009. (Sept 3, 2010)

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  1. As a former smoker who uses an e-cig I can provide no scientic proof that it is better for me.

    Yet I can climb stairs again without gasping for air, my last checkup my doctor asserted that I am in the best health he has yet to see me in. I have started running again and do not (at least after the initial 2 week warm up period) fall out at the side of the road.

    I treat it like a normal cigarette, at work I go outside to the smoking area, don't smoke in the malls or bars.

    The economic savings are frankly huge, over $3000 in the past 12 months.

    To the people that say the vapor irritates them, I am highly allergic to most perfumes and dyes, so that axe or chanel you are wearing, causes my eyes to itch, starts me coughing, and if it hits my skin (maybe because you are coating yourself with the crap in the elevator that I am sharing with you) I will break out in a rash . . . Yet I do not demand these things that cause allergic reactions in maybe 1% of people be regulated.

    What it really comes down to, at the end of the day is, I am an adult, you are an adult . . . lets treat each other as such, K?

    (kids buying e-cigs online, or hell anything online is a parenting issue, not a legislative issue, because seriously there are far far worse things to buy online than an alternative nicotine delivery system)


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