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Tuesday 2 November 2010

Not Feelin too Hot!

I feel so tired and just completely exhausted. It is going towards 5pm and can't remember if I ate today. I'm not feeling that great, and I have a headache. At least when my mom was staying here, I was eating healthy and on a regular schedule. Once again I'm back to poor eating... skipping meals, and sometimes not eating at all. I just don't have the energy to make anything. I walk to the fridge, open it, and wish something interesting will pop out!

The last couple days I've been living off of Jello and yoghurt. I just don't have the passion to cook right now, as my back is killing me. Before it was a terrible ache in the middle of my lower back, but now it's just towards the left. I think the drilling of my left ovary did a number on me... and I still have pain. I think it's yoghurt and banana time... and then in the mood for a girlie movie. If something interesting pops into my mind, or if some yummy food suddenly appears in front of me... I'll be back to let you all know!

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  1. When you feel crappy, I usually open up a can of chicken noodle soup or I cook up dried Chineese noodles, 5 minutes and you are done.
    Just a thought. Recovery does not happen
    Take care.

  2. I'm sorry you're feeling quite crappy. I hope your head and back are feeling better soon!


    P.S. I'm your newest follower and I hope you like my blog as much as I like yours!

  3. I hope you feel better soon!

    Following from Wobble Over Wednesday :)


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