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Monday 1 November 2010

It Will Be A Busy Week!

Over the next couple days you will notice some changes to my blog. I am trying to get it set up for the holiday season. You will notice many holiday teaser reviews being posted, as well as some stuff being under construction at times. I'm still trying to catch up since I was in the hospital, and I'm finally feeling good enough to sit at the computer for a couple hours at a time.

If you're a new follower or someone who has commented or left a message, I am currently in the process of going through all of them and replying. Please be patient, and I will get to every one of you... I haven't forgotten!

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  1. I love the snow!! Glad you are starting to feel better!

  2. Your design is looking great!
    I am trying to get caught up on reading your site and I can't believe I missed your surgery! I hope you are feeling well:)


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