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Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Thank You Everyone!

I'd like to say thank you to everyone who commented and sent me best wishes regarding the palpable mass that the doctor found. I wanted to update you all, and let you know my ultrasound is scheduled for Friday, September 10th. It sucks that the gyno wont have the results for when I see her on the 8th, but I'll have to schedule an appointment to get the results. Now it's gonna feel like the longest week!

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  1. Kim - I must've missed that post! I'll be thinking of you & sending healing thoughts your way!

  2. Is it related to the PCOS?
    I always worry about an ovary collapsing!! I swear I get the hugest cysts. The only good/painful thing is that they burst ALL THE DAM TIME!

  3. It's okay Dawn... it was in the post-it note tuesday.
    I'm not sure if it's related to PCOS MissC... my family doctor said maybe it's a uterine fibroid. The mass is quite large... its on the right side.

  4. We're here with you Kimberly so don't you worry - and it could be a lot of thing - so stop thinking "worst case". Get happy, go see a movie...this week will go fast just like all the other - alas. Thanks for returning my follow because like the song say, "you gotta have frrriiiieeendddsss! Smiles.



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