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Monday, 16 August 2010

I Got More Awards!

I'm very excited to announce that my dear friend Debra from LUCUS'S JOURNEY WITH SENSORY PROCESSING DISORDER, just gave me a few awards! I'm so happy that she thought I was important enough to get an award... thanks so much Hun!
Awards have been resized

And for the last award...

I will take great pride in passing them onto other awesome bloggers!
She sent them on as a three pack and I'll be the fourth  to send them on that way as well.

We're supposed to tell 7 things about ourselves, and then pass on the awards to the blogs of your choice...

1. I have a few piercings... ears of course, nose, labret, and tongue.
2. My favourite show is Big Brother... spoiler: Rachel is back in house!
3. I have a bad habit of biting my nails when I'm nervous or stressed.
4. I have to write everything down or I will forget... the sticky notes are my friends!
5. If I'm not 15 minutes early for everything, then I feel late.
6. I used to be a vegetarian... I want to get back into that lifestyle again.
7. I love awards... makes me feel less depressed and that people actually read what I write. Thanks everyone who has sent me one, and to those who want to!!!!! (hint! hint!)

The people that I'm passing all four of these onto are:


Swing by and visit Debra... she's awesome!

Tell a Friend


  1. Wow thank you thank you thank you!! My first set of awards! Do I get to pass them on?

    You rock! Hope I can return the favor soon,

  2. Congrats you deserve it! OMG! ROFL! I just saw your blog "Jingles the Stinky Beast"! You really deserve them! Enjoy, I'm off to see Jingles!

  3. First off, CONCRATS ON YOUR AWARDS!!! OH SNAP! FOUR AWARDS? HECKIE YEAH! Ima have to shave my legs now LOL THANK YOU!!!

  4. I have to be at least 15 minutes early or I feel late too! And...I just got my first piercing done.

  5. Congrats on your award! I am following you back from Saturday Stalk for Savings! Thanks so much for stopping by! Great blog btw!! =)

  6. Congrats on the award. Dropping by from Mailbox Monday. I subscribed and am now following on GFC.

    Have a great day!
    Another Kimberly from Ontario!

  7. Congrats on your awards!
    and thank you so much for ours:)
    Some of your 7 things remind me of myself, especially the sticky notes-I literally would be lost without them!

  8. Stopping by to say Hi!.

    I should visit your blog more earlier but I not feel well,
    Thank you for visit my blog and Thanks for kind comment on my blog.
    Hope you have a great day.

    PS. I'm following your blog and Congrats for award.

  9. and a tag from me too! go fetch, gurl!!

  10. I love your seven things. We have a lot in common. You so deserve those awards!!!!


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