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Monday, 9 August 2010

3 Main Pros and Cons of Gastric Bypass Surgery

Some of the advantages offered by gastric bypass surgery are significant weight loss, improvement in several health conditions and social well being. On the other hand, the negative side of gastric bypass is the presence of health risks and complications that might occur during surgery, nutritional deficiency in patients and anastomotic complications that occur after surgery.

Gastric bypass surgery is a type of weight loss operation meant to treat severe obesity and the health problems resulting from it. It has become one of the popular solutions to people’s weight problems, and information about it is now readily available. Even on the Internet, websites featuring Las Vegas gastric bypass surgery is easy to come across. There are a number of health advantages and disadvantages involved when undertaking gastric bypass surgery, and all of them are worth considering.


Significant weight loss
The most obvious benefit offered by gastric bypass surgery is a significant reduction of weight. Weight loss in people undertaking extensive gastric bypass surgeries is estimated to be as high as 65% to 80% of excess body fat. Compared to dieting or exercise, the weight loss benefits are long-lasting and are achieved over a shorter span of time.

Improvement of health conditions
Another positive result of the surgery is a significant decrease in the co-morbid conditions of patients. These health conditions include hyperlipidemia and essential hypertension, which are both seen as being relieved in more than 70% of patients. Nearly 90% of patients see a dramatic improvement in their diabetes mellitus type 2 condition, while 80% experience lower blood cholesterol levels within a couple of months after the surgery. Almost all patients experience relief from gastroesophageal reflux disease as well as back pains and joint aches. After losing weight there is also a dramatic relief from sleep apnea and a reduction of snoring. Several respiratory illnesses are also improved, including respiratory insufficiency and asthma.

Social well-being
After the marked improvement in their health and weight, most patients are more capable of enjoying and participating in many activities with their friends and families.


Health risks and complications during surgery
It is generally known that people suffering from severe obesity are at a significant disadvantage when undergoing surgery compared to when they are at their normal weight. The risks of surgical operations are heightened by health conditions suffered by the patient prior to the surgery. Risks also stem from complications that might occur during surgery. The patient is exposed to infection because the bowel releases bacteria during the operation. This is resolved by use of antibiotics, respiratory therapy and other methods. There is also a possibility of hemorrhage during operation.

Nutritional deficiency
Nutritional deficiencies may occur after the operation when patients experience a loss of appetite or have to comply with diet restrictions. Food and nutritional supplements are added into patients’ diets to compensate for the nutrients missing in the food they eat.

Post-surgical anastomotic complications
The surgical procedure of gastric bypass involves connecting two sections of the bowel or connecting the stomach and bowel. This surgical connection is called an anastomosis. Complications such as anastomotic leakage occur when the body is unable to self-seal the bowel walls after the operation. This occurs in almost 2% of gastric bypass operations. Anastomotic ulcers, caused by smoking, and a lower blood supply in the anastomosis, among others, are also potential complications after surgery.

Gastric bypass surgery gives hope to people suffering severe obesity, but one must always look at both sides of the coin before pursuing this medical procedure. It is best that patients consult a doctor to help them become aware of the benefits and risks involved in this medical treatment.

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  1. I'm glad you posted this. I have a cousin who underwent gastric bypass - she was severely obese (180 + pounds over what she should have weighed) and she had a horrid time afterward. It was a few years back, so she has lost weight and is doing much better now, but it was an enormous adjustment for her!

  2. Well, good to hear that she made it through okay. Yes it would be hard at first... it has to be a complete lifestyle change.
    Thanks for sharing this with me... makes me feel a bit better about it.
    All the best,

  3. Hi,
    Thanks for sharing such a useful blog,the G.P first divides the stomach into a small upper pouch and a much larger, lower remnant pouch and then re-arranges the small intestine to allow both pouches to stay connected to it.the Nutritional deficiency is one of the biggest disadvantage of gastric bypass surgery.

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