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Monday, 14 April 2008

Starve Day 1

Today all I've eaten is a little piece of green pepper...and I don't feel hungry. I went for a walk and it was a wonderful day. I feel great...sun is shining...happy day. On my walk I ended up getting my tongue repierced...okay so that isn't a normal everyday walk...but it felt great to do something for myself for a change. A huge bonus...Rachid didn't want me to get it done. It's time to get my life back...lose weight and feel good about myself.

Today is the 14th and I'm at 244lbs...there are 30 days in this month, that means I have only two weeks to lose ten pounds. I'm not eating anything other then food or drinks that are liquid. Yes...I'm going to starve myself. I don't want to eat anymore...only eat small to stay alive. Piercing my tongue is a good start to the starving...can't really eat anything anyway. The first day is always the hardest...get passed those hunger pains. Once passed that you just get used to it...I can't wait until the end of this week to see how I do.

Waist= 49inches
Chest= 43inches (under boobs)
Hips= 53inches
Upper thigh= 28inches
Above knee= 22inches

Weight= 244Lbs
Goal= 130Lbs
Amount of time= Feb 2009 (10 months)

Basically have to lose at least 10Lbs a month!!!

Time to kick fuckin ass!

1 comment :

  1. Good luck. It is possible to lose weight. I have lost over 100Lbs. Stay positive.


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