Hey everyone! While bored at work I came across this awesome site...PayPerPost! Yes of course I'm bored at work like usual and that's when I like to check stuff out. Anything other then work of course! So naturally I decided to sign up and try it out. Sounds legit and it's easy to use. So far I'm very new to the service and I'm looking forward to checking it out further.
I came across the site through a link that I found in another blog that I like to read...the blog is in my links! At first I thought it was too good to be true...but it's pretty cool. They pay you through Paypal for every post that you put on your blog that is for an advertising agency. Cool eh?! I think so!
What would I like to come of this...hmmm...well naturally money of course, but also some new buddies online. It's also something to do when I'm bored...bored at work like I am now!
So when you're bored or if you're curious,Check out this awesome
blog advertisingI'm pretty sure you'll enjoy it!
Zzzz...where are all the customers at tonight? I know...they're enjoying the beautiful spring weather outside! Me...I'm stuck indoors of course...stuck waiting to take your call! No...I shouldn't talk like that...I'm having fun on this PayPerPost!
If you're curious about this site...feel free to try it out! Let me know what you think!
I will check it out